
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ni Asubuhi Lyrics - Miriam Lukindo

Niasubuhi niamkapo,niasubuhi
nishibishwe na sura yako,
Niasubuhi nipe neema yako,
lolote nifanyalo  nikuone wewe[chorous]

Nimechoka na haya ,
yanisumbua na moyo wangu
Njia imesonga 
sioni pakupita,
nakutazama siku ya leo

Bwana njooooo nakuhitaji,
Bwana njoo unipe msaada wako,
Njoo, njoo leo, natamani nikuone weweee

  {Chorous} Niasubuhi niamkapo, 
niasubuhi nishibishwe na sura yako,
Niasubuhi nipe neema yako,
lolote nifanyalo nikuone wewe.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Kwa nini tatizo la fedha limekuwa sehemu ya maisha ya wakristo?

Biblia imeshaweka wazi katika Yerema 29:11 na 3 yohana 1:2 kwamba mawazo aliyonayo Mungu juu yetu ni mawazo/mipango ya kutufanikisha, si hivyo tu bali anataka tufanikiwe katika mambo yote. Pia tunajua kwamba fedha na dhahabu ni mali ya Bwana si hivyo tu bali sehemu kubwa ya Biblia imejaa ahadi za Mungu za kutufanikisha kifedha na mafundisho mengi ya pesa.

Sasa licha ya haya yote na ukweli kwamba tumemwamini huyu Yesu lakini bado maisha ya mkristo mmoja mmoja, wakristo wengi, kanisa kwa ujumla, kwaya, makundi ya kiroho na huduma mbalimbali hali yake ya kifedha ni ngumu. Kila mtu analalamika juu ya pesa, mpaka imefika mahali tatizo la fedha limekuwa sehemu ya maisha.

Mikutano, semina tumeshindwa kufanya kisa fedha, vijana wameshindwa kuoa kisa pesa, kwaya hazirekodi kisa fedha. Kitu gani kimetokea kwa wakristo. Wazungu wanasema “Something must be wrong some where” maana yake lazima kuna kitu hakijakaa sawasawa mahali fulani.

Kusudi la waraka huu mfupi ni kukuelezea sababu ambazo zimepelekea tatizo la fedha kuwa sugu na kwa sehemu ya maisha kwa wakristo wengi. Sababu hizo ni ;
Moja, kukosa maarifa (mafundisho) ya kutumia fedha ki-Mungu.

 Hosea 4:6a Fedha ina kanuni zake za matumizi. Hivyo kushindwa kujua kanuni hizo na namna ya kuzitumia hizo fedha ki-mungu basi tatizo litaendelea kuwapo.

Mbili, matumizi ya fedha ya Mungu nje ya kusudi lake.
Hagai 2:8, Sikiliza fedha ni mali ya Bwana, hata ikiwa mikononi mwako bado ni ya Bwana, hivyo ni lazima itumike kwa mapenzi yake, maana kila pesa anayokupa ndani ina kusudi fulani au anakupa kwa lengo fulani.

Tatu, Roho ya mpinga kristo inafanya kazi ndani ya fedha.
 2 wathesalonike 2:7, sikiliza, shetani anajua ukiwa na fedha yeye atakuwa na hali ngumu sana maana utaituma hiyo fedha kuimarisha agano la Bwana, hivyo ameweka Roho ya mpinga kristo ndani ya fedha ila kupinga  fedha isiende kwa watu wa Mungu ili washindwe kumtumikia Mungu.

Nne, kukosa nidhamu katika matumizi ya fedha.
Tito 3:14 Watu wengi hasa waliokoka, hawana nidhamu katika matumizi ya fedha pindi inapofika katika mikono yao. Hawana malengo mazuri katika mtumizi ya fedha na kwa sababu hiyo wanajikuta fedha wanayoipata inatumika kienyeji na kwa sababu hiyo tatizo la fedha lina baki palepale.

Tano,Ufahamu mdogo wa Neno la Mungu kuhusu fedha.
 Wakristo wengi sana wanayo mistari mingi sana inayozungumza uponyaji na kutoa mapepo, na hata imani yao imeongezeka kwenye maeneo hayo. Lakini kwenye eneo la pesa ufahamu wao ni mdogo sana, si wengi wanaopata mafundisho katika nyanja ya fedha ya kutosha.

Sita, Kuwategemea wanadamu na si Mungu .
Katika Yeremia 17:5 Mungu ametoa ole kwa wale wanaowategemea wanadamu.Hii pia imekuwa sababu kubwa sana ya tatizo la pesa kuwa sugu. Ni kweli watu wanamuomba Mungu awabariki, lakini mioyo yao inawategemea wanadamu na tayari ole imeshatiliwa kwa mtu anayemtegemea mwanadamu ki-mafanikio.

Mwisho, ni vifungo na laana za kifamilia, kiuokoo, kitaifa nk.
Kwenye eneo la pesa, kuna baadhi ya watu wamefungwa wasifanikiwe kifedha katika ulimwengu wa kiroho. Hili ni tatizo la kiroho zaidi na pia wengine ni laana zinazotokana na kushindwa kulijua neno la Mungu. Soma kumbukumbu 28:15-60.
Ni maombi yangu kwamba Mungu akusaidie kuwa na mahusiano mazuri na yeye hasa kwenye eneo la fedha ili uone baraka zake.

Na: Patrick Samson Sanga.

Picha Yetu Jumatatu Hii:Global Leadership Summit 2010

Pichani ni sehemu ya umati wa watumishi wa Mungu kutoka sehemu mbalimbali Duniani waliohudhuria Kongamano maalumu llinalohusu masuala ya  uongozi liitwayo GLOBAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT. Mch Peter Mitimingi ndiye alikuwa mratibu wa Kongamano hili. Kongamano hili liliyofanyika Mwaka 2010 katika kanisa la Upanga City Christian Centre{ccc} lililoko Jijini Dar es salaam.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Sermon: “Let us also walk in the Spirit”

“If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” [Galatians 5:25] What is the meaning of Pentecost and the Spirit of Pentecost?

The Pentecost weekend is now behind us. What people receive from such a weekend varies greatly from person to person. For many people it just means having a few days of vacation, so they hope for nice weather. 

There are also many Christians who come together for a few days of edification. Among them, there is more or less an undefined longing to have an inspirational experience similar to what the first disciples experienced in Jerusalem.

The Holy Spirit. Many people think about the Holy Spirit in terms of miracle healings, or gifts that He can give, and indeed, the Holy Spirit is also able to do these things in our days. Nevertheless, the clear insight God’s Word can give about the work the Holy Spirit does in the everyday lives of Christians in the 21st century is so much more important.

That which dwells in man. “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God…?” asks the Apostle Paul in the letter he wrote to the Christians in ancient Corinth. [1 Corinthians 6:19] Our physical bodies are temples where the Holy Spirit would like to make all the decisions. The Bible also teaches us that there are other forces that dwell in our bodies—wickedness, bitterness, 
discouragement and uncleanness. 

These powers are stronger than us. Therefore, it is obvious that we as Christians cannot just do whatever we feel like doing. We cannot just “take life as it comes” even though we may have had experiences with the Holy Spirit.
By walking in the Spirit, glorious fruits grow in our inner man: fruits of the Spirit such as joy, peace, love, and faithfulness.

Our daily inner battle. Since the Holy Spirit dwells in us simultaneously with these sinful forces, it is necessary everyday to take up a battle and make inner choices. Paul calls these sinful forces “lusts of the flesh,” in Galatians 5, “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another...” [Verses 16 & 17]

The Spiritual power of completion and the fruits of the Spirit. If you are honest with yourself, you know where the lusts of the flesh lead. The Holy Spirit greatly desires that we never give in to the evil powers of sin that dwell in us. The Holy Spirit is like a teacher who teaches us the truth, and teaches us to do what is pleasing to God. Paul therefore continues by saying, “If we live in the Spirit,

let us also walk in the Spirit.” Walking in the Spirit means that we in our everyday life make use of the power that dwells in the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, walking in the Spirit means that we use that power to destroy the evil that dwells in our flesh and choose to do God’s will. (Read Galatians chapter 5.) The most wonderful thing is that when we walk in the Spirit, glorious fruits grow in our inner man—fruits of the Spirit such as joy, peace, love, and faithfulness.

Pentecost weekend is behind us now. May you and I, in the 21st century, be people in whom the Holy Spirit can do the work that He

Friday, September 23, 2011

Album Preview: Nakuabudu Bwana ya Josephine(Minza) Nkilla

Moja kati ya Video album za injili ambayo imekuwa chachu katika kumtukuza Mungu na kufanikiwa kufanya Vizuri sokoni ni pamoja Video album ya mwanadada Josephine Minza Nkilla iitwayo "NAKUABUDU BWANA". Sehemu kubwa ya Album hii ni kwa ajili ya Kumwabudu Mungu, Wale wapendao kumwabudu Mungu Tafuta album hii.Yafuatayo ni Mapitio ya album hii kuweza japo kwa sehemu nini hasa konachopatikana humo ndani.

Josephine Minza Nkila

Nimesogea Nikuabudu
Hii ni nyimbo ya kuabudu ambayo imefanyika Madhabahuni (stejini) kuanzia Mwanzo wa wimbo mpaka Mwisho. katika Nyimbo hii Minza amelead nyimbo nzima huku akiwa na takribani watu nane wakimback up. Nyimbo hii haina maneno mengi na muda mwingi timu nzima inaonekana ikiwa imezama ikimwabudu Mungu ikiimba “Nakwabudu Nakwabudu”. Katika Video hii Minza anaonekana akiwa amevaa koti la suti refu jeupe huku timu nzima ikiwa imevalia suti Nyeusi.

Minza akimwabudu Bwana katika Wimbo Nimesogea Nikuabudu

Timu nzima ikiwa uweponi katika wimbo Nimesogea Nikuabudu

Nakuabudu Bwana
“Nakuabudu Bwana, Nakutukuza Bwana , Nakuinua Bwana Unastahili” Haya ni maneno yanayoujaza wimbo huu wa Kuabudu. Katika Video hii kuanzia Mwanzo mpaka mwisho imefanyikia Madhabahuni huku akipata back up ya kutosha kutoka kwa watumishi wa Mungu. 

Moja kati ya Vitu vya msingi katika Video hii ni uwezo wa timu aliyonayo. Timu nzima inayomback-up inaonekana  iko serious na inajua inachokifanya Mbele za Mungu. Jamaa aliyefanya Video(Danny Kisuu)  amepiga Close up shoots nyingi na Long shoots kadhaa huku effects za stage Lights zimetumika kuinakshi Video.

Nakwabudu Nakwabudu Nakwabudu

Minza akilead nyimbo ya Nakwabudu Bwana
Roho Yangu Ikuimbie
Hii ni nyimbo Maarufu sana ya Tenzi Bwana Mungu Nashangaa, humo ndani Minza anaonekana akiabudu huku akiwa katika Location Tofauti tofauti zenye uoto wa Asili na zenye kupendea.Kuna mahali anaonekana yuko msituni na kuna mahali anaimba akiwa pembezoni mwa mto.Wakati ubeti wa Nikitembea unavyonza, Beat(ala) ya nyimbo hii inabadilika kutoka kuwa ya taratibu na kisha inakuwa a bit faster(inachangamka). 

Pindi nyimbo Inapochangamka na Minza Mwenyewe anaonekna akiuimba ubeti huu na kisha Chorous kwa furaha. Wakati Ubeti wa  YESU MWOKOZI  unapoanza, Beats(ala) zinabadilika tena na kurudi za taratibu . Tofauti nya nyimbo nyingine katika Video ya wimbo huu Minza Mwanzo mpaka Mwisho anaonekana akiwa peke yake akimsifu Mungu. Hii ni moja kati ya nyimbo zishushazo uwepo pindi ukiitazama.

Roho Yangu Na Ikuimbie, Jinsi wewe Ulivyo Mkuu

Jina Lako Mwokozi
Katika video hii Minza amemshirikisha mkaka mmoja ambaye ameweka Male vocal ya kutosha humo ndani, hii ni nyimbo ya taratibu ambapo Minza anaonekana akiimba na kucheza tartibu katika mandhali iliyotulia. Hahaaaaaa Humo ndani Minza katupia Mitupio ang`avu,  amevaa kimdada  na meshine vilivyo. Ala  ya nyimbo hii ni kama ya kiasili huku cameraman akipiga Long Shoots nyingi za ukweli.

Josephine Minza akiimba wimbo wa Jina Lako Mwokozi

Minza katika Jina lako Mwokozi

Ni wewe tu mtakatifu
Hii ni moja kati ya mfululizo wa nyimbo za kuabudu zilizomo ndani ya album hii, katika nyimbo hii Minza anasisitiza Ni wewe tu MTAKATIFU. Humo ndani kuna mdada anacheza mithili ya Yoga ambayo ni aina ya uchezaji jukwaani unaotumiwa sana na watumishi wa Mugu(waimbaji) katika nchi za Magharibi. Minza anaonekana akiwa kwenye koti refu jeupe huku timu inayomback  ikiwa ndani ya Suti nyeusi. Video ya Nyimbo hii Mwanzo mpaka Mwisho imefanyikia stejini.

Minza akiimba wewe ni mtakatifu kushoto ni binti akienda Sambamba na ala za wimbo huo

Inanipasa Kukusifu
Hii ni nyimbo pekee ya kusifu iliyoko ndani ya Album hii, Kuna lines zinasema ”Kila mwenye Pumzi ya Mungu amsifu Bwana maana kusifu kunawapasa wanyofu wa Moyo”. Kama wewe ni mpenzi wa sebene itafute hii nyimbo. Humo ndani wamo wakaka  wanaenda sambamba la beats wakicheza. Ndani ya nyimbo hii Minza amewashirikisha Emma na Danny amabao wote watatu Kwa  pamoja wameshirikiana Vizuri. 

Inanipasa Nikusifu

Raha ya Sebene sio tu kuimba ni pamoja na kucheza, hapa Minza Akisebeneka

Amen Amen Haleluya  ni Bonus Track katika Video Album hii, Wimbo huu ambao ni AUDIO umesimama kama OUTRO na unasikika wakati maandishi yaonyeshayo mustakabali wa kazi nzima yakipita kwenye screen. Wimbo huu ni wimbo wa kuabudu unaoelezea ukuu wa Mungu kwetu na kuonyesha unyeyekevu kwa Mungu wetu.

Cameraman: Daniel Kisuu
Studio: Gospel Media Studio
In-house Lighting: Allan Vayle.
Distributed by MBC Hot media
Audio Technician:Gilbert Nkila, Elirehema D. Kissuu, Musa Simon
Executive Director: Elirehema D. Kissuu
Production Manager: Joyce Nkila
Make Up: Joyce Nkila
Produced: 2008

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Aya Tatu: Ni Mungu pekee awezaye kutuchukulia mizigo yetu kila siku pasipo kuchoka

Zab 68:19 Na ahimidiwe Bwana siku kwa siku hutuchukulia mzigo wetu,    Mungu ndiye Mwokozi wetu.

Katika maisha yetu ya kila siku kuna tatizo moja kubwa, Mara tujalibiwapo tunatumia mno akili zetu na msaada toka kwa watu wanaotuzunguka ili kuondokana na tatizo hilo. Ni kweli Mungu hutumia akili zetu na watu waliokaribu nasi kutatua matatizo yetu, pamoja na hayo yote ni Lazima tufahamu kuwa ufumbuzi utokao kwa Mungu na sio kwa mwanadamu juu ya hali tunayopitia kila siku ndio wenye kudumu na usiokuwa na majuto ndani yake.

Tuingiapo katika jaribu kwanza yatupasa tujipange katika Mungu juu ya hilo tatizo pasipo kutegemea akili zetu na na jamaa wanaotuzunguka(Network) ili  yeye Mungu ndiyo afanye mlango wa kutokea . Tutegemeapo akili zetu kutatua tatizo  hutupelekea kuwa kama unabahatisha na huku ukijiuliza maswali Je ntafanikiwa au sitafanikiwa!!!!.Ukifikia hapo jua ndio umeikaribisha Hofu, na mara nyingi Hofu katikati ya jaribu hupelekea kufeli kabla hata hatujaanza kukabiliana na jaribu hilo, kwa kuwa HOFU haitokani na Mungu.

Ni Mungu pekee awezaye kutuchukulia mizigo yetu kila siku pasipo kuchoka, watu wengi hasa waliookoka  hulitambua hili, lakini pasipo kujijua au ni mazoea husubiri mpaka tatizo limekuwa sugu ndipo hurudi kwa Mungu kutafuta msaada kitu ambacho si sahihi. Yatupasa tumshirikisha Mungu kwanza katika kila hatua ya maishani na kuifanya Biblia kama Manual Book na Dira ya Maisha yetu yote chini ya Jua.

Mboya V.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Package From Altar :The Cross of God

 “Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; And let men say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns.’ ‘Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for ever and ever.’ And all the people said, ‘Amen!’ and praised the Lord” (I-Chronicles 16:31, 34, 36).

The Cross of Jesus is the revelation of God’s judgement on sin. Never accept the idea of Jesus as a martyr on the Cross, he was a living sacrifice. The Cross was a superb triumph in which the foundations and gates of hell were shaken. There is nothing more certain in Time or Eternity than what Jesus Christ did on the Cross at Calvary. He switched the whole of humanity back into a right relationship with God the Father. He made Redemption the basis of human life, that is, He made a way for the children of men to become The Children of God.

“In him we have redemption through his blood. The forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Ephesians 1:7). The Cross did not happen to Jesus and it was not happen chance that he was crucified; he came on purpose for it. He is “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” The whole meaning of the Incarnation is the Cross, beware of attempts to separate God in the flesh from the Son becoming sin. The purpose of the Incarnation was redemption, for the purpose of putting away sin; not for the purpose of “self-realization.”

The Cross is not the cross of man but the Cross of God, and the cross of God can
never be realized in human experience. The Cross is the exhibition of the nature of God, the gateway whereby any person of the human race can enter into union with God. When we get to the Cross, we do not go through it; we abide in the life to which the Cross is the gateway. Every human being can get through into the presence of God now because of what the Son of Man went through to save the whole of humanity.

“I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the
life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me”
(Galatians 2:20). The center of salvation is the Cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to get salvation is because it cost God so much. The Cross is the
point where God and sinful man merge with a crash and the way to life is opened—but the crash is on the heart of God. The Cross is the center of Time and Eternity, the answer to the mystery of both.

 “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me” (John 12:32). Many have seen the Cross of Jesus but not all have come to the Cross. When you come to the Cross of Jesus he will lift you up and you will know him as Savior, then and only then will the significance of his death have meaning to you. God lifted Jesus up from the earth and his Spirit is calling and drawing you closer to him, will you accept him today as your Savior? Glory to him who lives and was dead, and behold, he is alive forevermore. Be blessed and bless someone in Jesus’ name.

By Grady N