Friday, January 7, 2011
The Gifts of the Holly Spirit
As Born again Christians here in Tanzania and all over the world, we do believe in the operation of the Nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, as recorded in 1 Cor 12. We also believe in the ministry gifts of Christ, as recorded in Eph 4:11-13.
It is amazing how difficult some jobs are without the proper tools. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to cut a piece of timber if you didn't have a saw? Spiritual gifts are the tools that God has given us to enable us to be more effective in accomplishing the task of working with Him to build His church. They are not an optional extra for the ultra special people, but a divine gift to all believers that dares to open themselves up to the power of God working through them.
1. The Word of Wisdom
A revelation of God's infinite wisdom. It will be the solution to the problem at hand.
Illustration: Matt 22:15-22 Is it lawful to pay taxes?
John 8:3-11 The woman caught in the act of adultery
2. The Word of Knowledge
A revelation of a portion of God's knowledge that would otherwise have been impossible for that person to know.
Illustration:Acts 5:1-11 Peter received knowledge about what Anannis and Sapphira had done.
4:17-18 Jesus knew the history of the woman of Samaria.
3. Faith
This gift enables the person to have perfect confidence that God will bring to pass that which is spoken or desired. There is no room for doubt, but an overwhelming confidence that God will do what He said He would do.
Illustration: Acts 3:4-8 Peter had absolute faith that the lame man would walk.
John 10:12-14 Joshua had absolute faith that the sun would stand still.
4. Gifts of Healing
The supernatural enabling to see sickness cured.
Illustration:Acts 5: 15-16 Peter and the apostles saw many people healed.
Luke 6:19 Jesus healed all who sought Him.
5. Working of Miracles
Divine intervention to accomplish something that could not have been accomplished by natural means.
(Healing is God speeding up the process that would naturally occur. Miracles are God intervening and doing something that would not naturally occur.)
Illustration: Matt 14:17-21 Feeding the 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish.
John 6:15-21 Jesus walking of water.
6. Prophecy
A divinely inspired utterance that edifies exhorts and comforts. (It can declare what will happen in the future but doesn't necessarily have to be predictive in nature in order to be a prophecy).
Illustration: Acts 21; 9 Philip's daughters who prophesied.
1 Cor 14:1-40 Paul's teaching on prophecy.
7. Discerning of Spirits
To see beyond the outward appearance and have a revelation that discerns the nature of the spirit which is at work. This gift discerns whether it is a human spirit, a demonic spirit, a godly spirit or the Holy Spirit.
Illustration Acts 8:18-28 Peter discerning the spirit in Simon.
Acts 16:16-18 Paul discerned the demonic spirit in the young lady.
8. Different Kinds of Tongues
A divinely inspired utterance given in a language that has not been learnt by the speaker. Once interpreted this gift is similar to prophecy.
Illustration:Acts 2:7-12 The disciples spoke messages in tongues to people at Pentecost.
1 Cor 14:27-28 Paul's teaching.
9. Interpretation of Tongues.
Interpretation of a message in tongues by divine inspiration and is given in the language of the speaker. The purpose is to edify the church.
Illustration: 1 Cor 14:5 Paul's teaching.
Thanks much for Reading this Teaching.Am sure through this you have increase your spiritual muscles.
Thanx in advance In Swahili we say
Ahsante Sana
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