
Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Mwanza international community church (MICC) under Senior Pastor Zakayo Nzogelle they organised YOUTH FESTIVAL which took place at Bwiru Press Beach from 10:00am to 06:00Pm. The Festival involves all youth from different churches in Mwanza city and Students from High Learning institutions such as Bugando University, College of Business Education (CBE), and Saint Augustine Unv. Apart of games like Football, volleyball, Eating competition, athletics, and discussions, Delicious food and drinks plus Nyama choma were also coloured the festival. Together with all funny events three major Teaching sessions were done.
              1. How to Develop your carrier Presented by Dr Wambura
              2. From Nothing to somebody Presented by Mr Kassa and
              3. How to choose a right partner which officiated by Pastor Z. Nzogelle himself.

The following are the Pictures of the event
Mr Kassa toughts from "Nothing to somebody"  
Praise and Worship Session
Some of the students from Saint Augustine Univ

MICC TEAM leaded by Pastor Zakayo right with white Tshirt getting prepared before they started running to find the chance to be the winners of the day

Participants of Eating competition introducing themselves before the commencement of the tournament
Nominated youth for Dancing competition
Crew from Bugando University

Part of the audience who attended the congregation

Senior Pastor of MICC Pastor Zakayo Nzogelle with white Tshit pausing during the event 

Youth exchanging  ideas during the Event
Pastor David Fumbuka and members of Tafes-Saut
Delicious Food was given to everyone who attended
For sure it was a nice Moment,May GOD bless all the leadership of MICC for such a constructive Event                                                                  

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