
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Heart Fully Committed to Him

The Lord’s eyes range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Do you want to be a revolutionary for Christ? Do you know how to be one? When people are talking about committed service for Christ they often use phrases like, “Go for it,” and “Sold out.” Whatever terms we use, being a revolutionary requires commitment.

When you think about people who are revolutionaries for Christ, who comes to mind? Mother Theresa? Amy Carmichael? They were revolutionaries. Do you think about great figures in history and wonder what you could do that could compare to the legacy they left behind? Do you wonder if you can still be a revolutionary? The answer is yes, you can!

Our daughter, Teresa, is a revolutionary. She has been married for 27 years. They have two grown daughters and she works full time in a department store. She takes opportunities to share the gospel with her co-workers, she leads Bible Studies, she visits and encourages the lonely elderly that come to the store.
She loves the Lord and spends time with Him each day.

God will take you right where you are too. Married? Children? Career? Senior? How will these fit in with God’s plans for you? Yield everything to God - time, family, treasure and talent - and He will show you. When there’s nothing between you and God He can take hold of your life and use you to do things you’ve never dreamed of. Yielding your life - all of it - to God is the first step:
  • Confess all known sin and receive His forgiveness. (John 1:10)
  • By faith ask the Holy Spirit to fill (direct & empower) you. (Ephesians 5:18)

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