
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Sermon......God Can Use Anyone

Despite of our weaknesses, but still GOD has got his good plans for us, what you have to know is that no matter your right or wrong you have to bow down before GOD and make him your everything. Our former spiritual leaders everyone had his weakness, no one who was perfect, but still GOD used them to change the life of other people. 

Read the list of the following people of GOD in the Bible plus their weaknesses. GOOD ENOUGH to learn here is that no matter what kind of weakness we posses but it is not an excuse for GOD to use us.
  • Moses stuttered.
  • David's armour didn't fit.
  • John Mark was rejected by Paul.
  • Timothy had ulcers.
  • Amos' only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning.
  • Jacob was a liar.
  • David had an affair.
  • Solomon was too rich.
  • Abraham was too old.
  • David was too young.
  • Peter was afraid of death.
  • Lazarus was dead.
  • John was self-righteous.
  • Naomi was a widow.
  • Paul was a murderer.
  • So was Moses.
  • Jonah ran from God.
  • Miriam was a gossip.
  • Gideon and Thomas both doubted.
  • Jeremiah was a bullfrog;
  • Just kidding -- he was depressed and suicidal.
  • Elijah was burned out.
  • Martha was a worry-wart.
  • Mary may have been lazy
  • Noah got drunk, and that's not all.

Don’t let a sin which you have commit to make you far from your GOD, but in any situation run unto him and you will be secured.

Mboya V.

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