
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dennis Massawe a Tanzanian Who Is Doing Ministry In United States Of America (U.S.A)

Minister Dennis Masawe
There are many Tanzanians who are serving the Lord out of Tanzania boarders, Hosanna Inc has succeeded to talk to Minister Dennis Masawe who is a Tanzanian and he is serving the Lord in United states of America.Dennis communicates the word of God, worship and wisdom through his singing, songwriting, media, speaking and sharing his testimony and the kingdom of God.

Ministry is at the heart of Dennis and his wife Lulu Massawe as they grow the Fountain of Life International Center that reaches out to impact, improve and empower lives in faith, family and finances. The inspiration and impetus of their ministry is birthed out of their own trials, tribulations and triumphs through Christ Jesus and the power of the cross.

Dennis comes from Tanzania in East Africa where he served as one of the worship team members at the City Christian Center (Upanga). He was also a member of the Marantha team from the same church that ministered in various places in Dar-es-salaam and the surrounding areas. He also collaborated with the Antioch Hope Whispers and the Ransomed on different occasions.
Minister Dennis on Altar
While ministering, Dennis was also contributing to the community in the area of media through the ITV station from 1994 through 1999. He started as an assistant producer and through diligent work was promoted to Producer/Director of programs and other special event projects.

Highlights of his contributions together with the different production crews and management of ITV can be traced in programs like-Muziki Muziki , Malumbano ya hoja, a documentary on the  inauguration of  South Africa’s embassy in Tanzania, live events particularly the first Tanzania Music awards that featured Hugh Masekela from South Africa; and TV commercials.  
Dennis First Album
He currently resides in the United States with his family and is actively involved in ministry. He continues to contribute in many worship experiences, seminars, and the overall mandate of reaching out with the gospel. He is involved at the Rock Church of Temecula Valley in California as a member under Pastor Hennie and Miranda Bosman.

He has performed on various platforms outside the church with the same message and continues to do so. Dennis has opened for several great national artists in the United States like Oleta Adams, Candy Dulfer, Little Wille G, Leon Patillo and others. He also ministers in churches, Conferences, Charity Events and Private Events. He has also been a world vision artist helping raising awareness and sponsorship for children.

His second album is anticipated to be released in November 2011.

I don’t have a favorite song. As a songwriter, songs have meaning and significance at different times and seasons. One song could be favorite today and not tomorrow. I like to look at it as collections of favorite songs and compilations.

Dennis his wife Lulu and their Children
My expectation in ministry is to see the grace and power of God manifesting in transforming my life, my family and the lives of the people we are reaching at any given time.  I also expect to see growth in the development of people as far as mind, soul, and body in relation to faith family and finances; and the infrastructures that support those growths.
Minister Dennis serving the Lord 

Favourite Artist :
Marvin Winans

Marvin  Winans then leader of The Winans and Now is a Pastor of  Perfecting Church Detroit Michigan

Church he is Worshiping Currently :
The Rock Church of Temecula CA.

Favourite Gospel Hymn{Tenzi}
Tis so Sweet to trust in Jesus.

Favourite Bible Verse
Psalm 32: 

 Psalm 32:  8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
 I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.

Favourite Colour:


Facebook Link

You may See Below a Simple Video  Clip of Dennis Singing with the Guitar

Forgiveness is a powerful medicine 1

In Matthew 6 Jesus introduces a radical way of praying. I call it radical, although we have trivialized the Lord's Prayer to a recite-by-heart mantra that we hope to get instant results from if we repeat it as many times as possible. This even ends up negating the very premise He precedes for teaching us how to pray, which is in verse 7 (And when you pray, do not keep bebbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many word N.I.V.). The people at that time had begun to emulate pagan practices, most likely in my opinion, because their prayers were often unanswered.

I thus say it was radical because the prayer pattern, as I would like to call it, is boiling prayer down to its powerful essentials, and I will give my take on it's breakdown in a later post, if the Holy Spirit permits. The main issue here is that these spoken words become powerful tools in our daily lives in the sense that they activate God who, as Yeshua puts it, already knows what we need before we ask of it.

 It then strikes me that if we are born again, have confessed and renounced our sins and are living under His grace, as being odd that we should daily ask God to forgive us our trespasses (debts NIV)! Furthermore we ask Him not to lead us into temptation but to deliver us from the evil one (or evil in some manuscripts).

I have found some very strong arguments in favour of there being no need for the deliverance ministry but this verse seems to being screaming at us that we may be sanctified by the blood but we have to daily pray for deliverance. OK. Some will say deliverance here means deliverance from future or present traps set up by the enemy, but the Greek used there is 'rhyomai' which is used in the form 'rescue'.

So we could replace this with the statement: And lead us not into temptation but rescue us from evil (or the evil one).
 And remember, this is a prayer pattern to be used when praying to God! So my question then is, if we have already been rescued from the enemy, why should we pray daily to God to be rescued from him?

By John Kagaruki

Friends On Friday to Be Held At Tamal Hotel 2/09/2011

Friends On Friday Its a place where Born again Christians with different professionals meet for refreshment through live music bands, live presentations, Business Networking, a dinner and much more.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Album Preview : Amejibu Ahadi By Beatrice Muhone

Amejibu ahadi ni Album ya pili ya Mwanamama Beatrice Muhone kutoka jijini Arusha. Video album hiyo imefanywa na Sowers Group na editing ilifanyika  katika jiji la Kampala nchini Uganda chini ya Tondas Studio.

Hakuna Rafiki Kama Yesu

Hapana Rafiki kama Yesu ni nyimbo ambayo Beatrice amesisitiza kuwa hakuna Rafiki kama Yesu kwa kuwa Yu Pekee. Hii ni Nyimbo ya Tenzi na kiukweli Beatrice ameiimba kwa umahiri mkubwa. Mwanamama Christeline Mke wa Mike Matumaini ndiye aliyemfanyia make up Beatrice, na hivyo amependeza sana humo ndani.

Beatrice akiwa nje na mizigo yake baada ya kuambiwa hakuna Nafasi
Nyimbo alianza na kijistori kuwa Beatrice akiwa bize akipanga nguo kwenye begi kisha  akampigia simu Rafiki yake na kumfahamisha kuwa ataenda kumsalimia kesho yake kwa kuwa yuko likizo, Rafiki yake huyo  alimkubalia kuwa hakuna Tazizo na ntakuja kukupokea lakini Mwisho wa siku alivyofika hakupokelewa, na hata  alipofika na kugonga mlango kijana wa Rafiki yake alimfungulia na kumwambia mama amesema hakuna nafasi Ondoka. Kisha Beat ikaanza tartibu na Beatrice akaingiza sauti. Ni nyimbo nzuri.

Sioshwi Dhambi zangu

Hii ni Nyimbo ya Tenzi inayoelezea NGUVU YA DAMU YA YESU. Ndani ya Video hii inaanza Beatrice akiwa anaingia kanisani huku akiwa amevaa koti la Jeans  kisha akaanza kufanya maombi. Hii nyimbo ina beat flani hivi simple na Jamaa aliyekuwa akishoot hii video alipiga close up za ukweli. Locations za video hii ni kanisani pamoja na ufukweni ambako Beatrice alikuwa amevaa gauni jeupe. Katika video hii nzima Beatrice anaonekana peke yake pasipo watu kumback.

Beatrice akiwa kanisani
Si  njia Rahisi
Katika Nyimbo hii Beatrice anaelezea sio kazi nyepesi kutembea na Yesu, lakini anasema Yesu huyarahisisha mambo mazito yaliyo katikati yetu kwa kuwa yeye huiongoza safari. Pamoja na kwamba hii ni Nyimbo ya Tenzi ila Beatrice aliibadilisha kidogo kwa kuweka maneno mengine ambayo hayamo kwenye tenzi hiyo.

Si njia Rahisi
Katika Video hii inayoonekana Beatrice akitembea barabarani Bro aliyeshoot video hii alipiga Long shoots nyingi nzuri na  kuna watu wanamback up huku sauti flani ya kiume ikiongea. Dressing calour ya Nyimbo hii ni Black.

Kama wewe ni worshiper itafute hii nyimbo inaitwa Uruwera ambalo ni neno la Kinyarwanda lenye maana MTAKATIFU. Ni Nyimbo inayotaja Sifa na UKUU wa MUNGU wetu.  Video inaanza Beatrice yuko bize akimsogelea Ndege Tausi kisha wanyama mbalimbali wanaonyeshwa.
Location za wimbo huu ni kama porini au mbuga flani hivi,na kuna sehemu kadhaa zinaonekana nyumba za asili. Nyimbo hii ni ya taratibu mno na kuna sehemu kadhaa Beatrice ameiimba kwa Lugha ya Kinyarwanda. 

Beatrice akiimba katika wimbo wake wa Uruwera

 Amejibu Ahadi
Nyimbo hii iliyobeba jina la Album,  ni nyimbo ya Furaha,  msingi wake ni Kumshukuru Mungu mara baada ya MUNGU kujibu maombi ya Mwanadamu yaliyodumu kwa Muda Mrefu.  Ndani ya Nyimbo hii Beatrice anasisitiza Kuwa ’’ UU MUNGU KWA KUWA WEWE NDIO NGAO YA WOKOVU WANGU’’, Wema wako na uaminifu  wako ni wa ajabu, umenipaka mafuta ya shangwe nakuinua juu. Hii ni moja kati ya nyimbo ambazo Beatrice ameandika zenye kumfanya kila mtu aisikilizaye kumshukuru Mungu kwa MENGI aliyofanya kati yetu.

Video ilianza Beatrice akiwa na furaha  mno

Bite akiimba ndani ya Amejibu ahadi

I luv you Jesus

Nyimbo hii iliyoibwa kwa lugha ya kiingereza Beatrice anasisita I luv You Jesus because you Loved me Before , Your Holly. Your Might. Kuna Crew kubwa ya kumback up na nyimbo nzima location ni Studio na sehemu kidogo nje ya studio. Shoots zimechukuliwa usiku. 

Bite akiingiza Saut katika I LUV YOU JESUS

Bite akiwa na watu wakimback up 
Katika  Nyimbo hii Beatrice ameuonyesha ukuu wa MUNGU kwa kusema ‘Huniongoza hunishika kwa mkono wa hakika , nitaandamana naye kristo aniongozaye”. Kwa kifupi ni nyimbo inayotaja na kuelezea uweza wa Mungu katika maisha yetu ya kila siku.

Video ya huniongoza inaanza Beatrice akiwa ndani ya kiatu hiki, kaaaazi kweli kweli
Ndani ya Video ya nyimbo hii ambayo kwa sehemu kubwa imekaa kisasa zaidi kuanzia beat, uvaaji na hata uchezaji, pia  kuna mtu alishirikishwa kisha akarap ingawa kwenye video haonekani bali sauti tu ndio inasikika. Video hii inamahadhi ya kuwavutia vijana zaidi kwa kuwa uvaaji wa Beatrice na Wale Dancers wanavyoshake ni kivutio kwa kizazi kipya kilichopo kanisani.

Beatrice akienda sawa na Madancers katika Huniongoza 

Yesu unipendaye

Ni Nyimbo ya Tenzi inayoonyesha upendo wa Yesu kwetu kwa kuwa ngome nyingine hatuna  zaidi ya Yesu. Nyimbo hii mwanzo mpaka Mwisho anaonekana akiwa mbele ya kanisa kubwa na kuna baadhi ya Sean anaonekana yuko msituni. Sehemu kubwa ya album hii ya video ya Amejibu Ahadi Beatrice anaonekana akiwa na Nywele Fupi.

Bite akiwa mbele ya kanisa kubwa akiimba Yesu Unipendaye

Beatrice Muhone


Studio  : Tondas Studio
Directed By:  Mike Matumaini
Sound: Kosto Zahinda
Script:  Mike Matumaini
Light : Oswald Basoka
Camera: Sam M M Kikere
Executive Producer: Godfrey Muhone

Picha Yetu Jumatatu Hii: Mchungaji Mwakiborwa akiwa na Mwanae Ngwandumi

Pichani Askofu Bruno Mwakoborwa  wa kanisa la EAGT Mito ya Baraka lililopo Jangwani jijini Dar es salaam, akitoa shukrani mbele ya kanisa  akiwa na mkewe pamoja na mtoto wao wa kike waliompa jina la Ngwandumi. Mungu aliwapa mtoto huyu baada ya ahadi waliyopokea toka kwa Mungu kuwa atawapatia mtoto tangu Tarehe 26/12/1990 na Mungu akawajibu kwa kuwapa mtoto huyo Mnamo tarehe 31/05/2011. Mungu hutujibu kwa wakati wake tusipozimia ROHO.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Sermon: It Is Not The End 1

"As your days, so shall your strength be." Deuteronomy. 33:25
We all go through periods of life when we feel we cannot go on. It can be a loved ones terminal illness (or your own), death of a precious person, a child who decides to go his/her own way instead of following God, an unfaithful spouse, financial reversal, being lost in a strange place, experiencing shunning, malignant disease or rejection from friends. All of these are terrible days and at times we think things couldn’t be worse--we feel we just can’t keep going.


Heman the Ezrahite, in Psalm 88 felt like that. This Psalm is written by a man who cries to the Lord because he feels so depressed and desolate. He ends this Psalm by saying,
“Darkness is my only friend.” 

During dark days, reading the Psalms can be very comforting. We need to know others have gone through these dark periods of life as well. Even though God seems far away, He isn’t. He is there and is upholding us. Deuteronomy 33:27 comforts us by telling us,
“The everlasting God is our place of safety, and his arms will hold you up forever.” 

There are times in life when God seems far away and we wonder why he is not speaking to us. Why can’t we feel His warmth? Why are dark clouds surrounding us? 

One day recently, the sky was covered with clouds all day, but towards the late afternoon the clouds parted and the sun came out--the day turned bright and warm. It felt so good. But after an hour, the clouds covered the sun again. The sun hadn’t moved—it was still there, but the clouds were temporarily covering it. 

Life is like that. Some days, months or even years seem so dark. But God has not moved. The clouds of life are temporarily covering His brightness and warmth. Trust Him. Keep talking to Him. Keep serving Him. He is there. Those dark days are not the end!
Father God, please remind your people, who are going through dark times right now that you still love them eternally and you are always there. 

You haven’t moved. Cause them to remember that you will give them enough strength to go through each day. Amen