
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

From Altar: Our Righteousness Is by Faith

Continuing on with our journey on the understanding of righteousness, we see that the righteousness that God requires from us is not one that comes from what we do, or do not do, but rather from our faith in Him and His word. Romans 1:17 says 'For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith." You will be amazed at how many times the words 'righteous' and 'righteousness' come up in the Bible.

Romans 14:17 talks of the kingdom of God being not a matter of eating and drinking (consumption, self-preservation, survival etc), but of RIGHTEOUSNESS, peace and joy IN the Holy Spirit (emphasis mine). It then seems that the good news is that the righteousness of God is not attainable by our efforts or by our strength, but rather by the power of faith in His word confirmed into action by the Holy Spirit.

We then achieve that true inner and outer 'shalom' or peace that is promised and unspeakable joy in whatever circumstance we are in because of an unshakeable faith in His promises that only comes from intimate fellowship with Him.

We begin to walk in obedience like Abraham, the father of faith, not because we have to, but it has become our nature! In Romans 14:18 it says that 'because anyone who serves Christ in THIS way is pleasing to God and approved by men. Romans 12 talks about presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice, an act which is our spiritual act of worship! Again here it is also called 'holy and pleasing' to God.

One can thus see that a close walk with the Holy Spirit is the best way to please God because we will then bear much fruit and experience the peace and joy we so often lack because we do not abide in the secret place of the Almighty (Psalm 91). As we enter into this place of 'rest' we allow the Lord to work in us, for us and through us, for His glory and we will find our victories increasing in number until that day we can truly say 'it is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me'!

Be Blessed

By John Kagaruki

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