
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Purposes of God for Christians in Business

It was interesting to hear Mark Bilton speak about being "Called to Business" last night. Mark is the CEO of the Hagameyer multinational which controls several prominent brands, and turns over 300 million a year. He is also a dedicated Christian who sees his work as a big part of his ministry for God. Here are some of the key points from his message:

* Something about WORK itself honors God.
* God ordained work from before the Fall of Man - Adam had to keep the garden.
* The four main reasons God has called people into business are: 1. to Serve God in that function 2. To Co-create something with God. 3. For Provision of needs so we can be in a place where we can be generous. 4. To witness to others.

* We should always have the ability to give something away.
* Signs that we are caught up in covetousness are
 1. We are working TOO MUCH.
 2. We have taken on TOO MUCH DEBT.

* We are called to be generous with time, encouragement and money.
* Even the Good Samaritan needed to have a couple of coins and a donkey so he could be useful in helping.
* Money is a tool. It is not evil. The love of money is evil.
* The profit motive is not wrong, if it is balanced by generosity and bridled by ethical practices in the pursuit of it.
* Companies create wealth, provision and profit.
* Witnessing through your business comes as you show care and concern for fellow employees, as you succeed with God's help. These things create a testimony for God's glory.

* Colossians 3:23,24  says: And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.  Our jobs are therefore a form of service to Jesus Christ.

* God says, "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:6). We cannot leave God out of our business life. God wants to be involved.

* God's Word reveals that God is even interested in the quality of work and the attitude of a slave.
* God worked for 6 days in Creation before resting.
* It wasn't "work" that was cursed, but the ground, in Genesis 3.
* "Brother Lawrence" talked about the power of being conscious of the presence of God even in daily kitchen chores.
* We bring the Holy Spirit into our business environments and can change the atmosphere of a situation.

* We can bring reconciliation.
* In business we bring VALUE, we bring ORDER, we create JOBS, WEALTH
* The role of economics has risen in world affairs, as the role of politics has somewhat declined.

* God's work has to be done God's way to get God kind of results. Do it God's way 100%.
There was another part of Mark's message, on "Business Transformation" that I will make the subject of another post, God willing.

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