
Friday, February 25, 2011


We have to invest all our effort on what we are doing

• God gives us EVERYTHING we need to worship and serve Him.
• God expects us to use EVERYTHING He has given us to Worship Him.
• Worship is a “do something” activity.
• Wholehearted worship produces results and half-hearted worship produces regrets. God always desired our whole hearted devotion to Him. Sin got in the way and made half-heartedness a Giant in out lives. A Giant we need to face and conquer.
• God expects us to respect the level of commitment He wants from us.
• When we do not give God our best, others will not give God their best. Leaders, if you do not give God your best, do not expect those you lead to give God their best either. Parents, if you do not give God your best, do not expect your children to give God their best either!
• When we are committed to doing our best (to defeating the giant of half-heartedness), we:

o Have the greatest influence on others

o Produce our best work for Christ

o We received God’s blessing and reward

o We live and love God with our whole heart

1 comment:

  1. HALLELUYAH,That is absolutely true!It changed my life.much blessings.
