
Friday, June 3, 2011


It is quite common for people to Fast when they are in dire need or in trouble, but you don’t need to be in trouble or in a messy situation to be compelled to Fast. We can Fast to improve our spiritual acumen, stay ahead of situations, make general improvements in our life and to prepare for a greater future.

And while anyone can Fast at anytime, there are special times when the Spirit of God leads us to Fast. These are special Fasting sessions not to be missed because they bear an accuracy and grace that is unusual. For instance, Our Pastor by the Spirit has instructed that the first Sunday of every Month is a Fasting and Prayer Sunday. And when he announced it, he told us that the Spirit asked us to do this, because He wants to bless us and that these special times will bring to us untold blessings. And it has been exactly that way!

Another special Fasting period is our end of year 3-day Prayer and Fasting program as directed by our Pastor. In the past years, these special Fasting programs have been pivotal in preparing us for the coming year, and helped to position us in perfect alignment with the plans and purpose of the Spirit of God for us.
The advantages of Fasting are numerous, and every Christian should benefit from it. What Fasting can do for you, may not be obtainable in any other way. And like many things in our Christian walk, the benefits come to you by doing. You may learn, read or even talk about Fasting – but that won’t bring the benefits. The benefits are realized when you do it. And thank God for our Pastor and Coach who has provided us with ample direction and opportunities to Fast regularly, and therefore partake of the numerous benefits of this divine and godly exercise!
Thanks be unto God for this indescribable gift! 

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