
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Testimony: Benny Hinn Said His Marriage Failed because He Did Not Spend Enough Time with His Family

Bishop Benny Hinny
Television evangelist Benny Hinn has admitted that his marriage probably broke down because he did not spend enough time with the family.
On the August 5 edition of his show "This is your Day," Hinn said he was oftentimes "caught up with the ministry," so much so that he forgot about his family.

"I've made mistakes because I wasn't the perfect husband and the perfect dad because I was always gone traveling the world," he said. "That's probably what broke the whole thing up."

Hinn told his viewers "not to neglect your family," saying that the call of God should first touch the family.

"If you have no family, you can't go on anyways," he said.

Souce: Christian Post 

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