Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday Sermon:Obedience Before Receiving The Blessings
The command of Jesus to rise was seemingly impossible since the man was not in a position to rise on his own initiative. But he obeyed the command and attempted to get up.
This was the command of omnipotence along with which comes the strength to obey it. “Faithful is he who calls you, and he also will bring to pass.” (1 Thess. 5:24). As to the cure, it was instantaneous, immediate, perfect and free. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
Now getting up and walking did not cause the man to be healed. He was healed by the power of Christ. But walking demonstrated that he was made whole. The spiritual principles at work here are as given by Paul in Ephesians 2: 8-10, built around three key prepositions: (i) by (ii) through, and (iii) unto.
How was this man made whole? By grace. There was nothing he could do. Salvation is by the sheer grace of God. Salvation is also through faith. The crippled man exercised his faith when he obeyed Jesus’ command to get up, take up his bed and walk away. So faith and obedience go together.
Was this man healed because he walked or did he walk because he was healed? He walked because he was healed. Doing good works does not save us, but we are saved unto (to do) good works.
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