

Marafiki Gospel Singers from Left is Bro Paul Shadrack, James Kalekwa and Emmanuel Landei
The combination of three anointed Brothers from Saint Augustine Univ of Tanzania, James Kalekwa, Paul Shadrack, and Emmanuel Landei known as Mafiki Gospel Singers soon on April they will launch their New Album “Rafiki”. Rafiki album is composed of  ten tracks which has been recorded in three different studios which are Habari maalum(Mwanza),Agape Records(Arusha) and Mbogo studio in Dar-es- salaam. Currently they have managed to shoot one video which it is in the final touches. It is so impressive to see youth are still serving GOD boldly.
Marafiki Gospel Singers

Friday, January 28, 2011


Mtumishi Harris Kapiga mratibu wa Tanzania Gospel Music Promoters ambao ndio waandaaji wa tuzo hizo
Tanzania baada ya miaka mitano itashuhudia kufanyika  tena kwa Tuzo za muziki wa Injiri kwa Mwaka huu wa 2011.Tuzo hizo ambazo huratibiwa na Tanzania Gospel Music Promoters(TGMP) zinatarajiwa kufanyika jijini Dar-es-salaam Tar 27-Feb-2011. Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari katika utambulisho wa tuzo hizo, mratibu wa Tuzo hizo Ndugu Harris Kapiga ambaye pia ni muimbaji wa nyimbo za injili na mtangazaji wa Clouds Fm alisema mradi wa kutokomeza maralia yaani Zinduka ndio mdhamini mkuu wa tuzo hizo mwaka huu.
     Kwa mujibu wa Kapiga lengo kuu la tuzo hizo ni kuwapongeza na kuthamini kazi za waimbaji wa nyimbo za Injili hapa nchini. Nyimbo zitakazoingia katika mchakato huo ni zile zilizofanya vizuri katika mwaka uliopita.
Ultimate Praise Africa Gospel Music Award  hizi nazo ni  Tuzo za Music wa Injiri zitolewazo nchini uingereza kuuenzi Muziki wa Injili toka Barani Africa
Tuzo  za muziki wa Injiri Tanzania kwa mwaka huu, zimegawanywa katika makundi yafuatayo

                                a) Msanii bora wa mwaka wa Kiume
                                b) Msanii bora wa mwaka wa Kike
                                c) Kwaya bora inayotumia vyombo vyote
                                d) Kwaya bora inayotumia piano pekee
                                e) Kwaya bora isiyotumi chombo chochote
                                f) Bendi bora ya Injili
                                g) Single bora ya msanii wa Kiume
                                h) Single bora ya msanii wa Kike
                                i) Msanii bora mpya wa kike
                                j) Msanii bora mpya wa Kiume
                                k) Mtayarishaji(Producer) bora wa Injiri
                                l) Mtengenezaji bora wa video za injiri
                               m) Balozi bora wa jamii
                               n) Kundi bora la mwaka


Askofu Ben Bahati toka kenya mmoja kati ya wahubiri wa mkutano          
 Umoja wa makanisa jijini mwanza jana jioni umefungua rasmi mkutano mkubwa wa injiri ujulikanao kama D-Change Festival katika viwanja vya Furahisha. kusanyioko hilo lililoanza jana linatarajia kumalizika tar 30mwezi huu na limehusisha wanamuziki wa injiri toka Kenya akiwemo Solomoni Mukubwa,Anastazia Mukabwa, kundi la The Fielder-Marshals pamoja na Mhubiri na Muimbaji mkongwe Askofu Ben Bahati .Umati wa watu ulijitokeza viwanjani hapo na wengi walimpokea kristo kama Bwana na Mwokozi wa maisha yao.

Zifuatazo  ni Picha za matukio ya Mkutano huo.
Waimbaji toka kenya Solomon Mukubwa na Anastazia Mukabwa wakisikiliza mahubiri ya Askofu Ben Bahati
Mchungaji Irene Nzwalla kushoto  na  A. Mukabwa kulia wakimsifu MUNGU

Umati wa watu ulijitokeza kusikiliza habari njema za Kristo YESU
Kundi la The Field-marshals toka Kenya likimsifu MUNGU siku hiyo 
Anastazia Mukabwa Akiwasalimia wakazi wa Mwanza kabla ya kuimba
Anastazia Mukabwa akiimba wimbo wa KIATU KIVUE mbele ya umati wa wakazi wa  Mwanza,na kisha akaimba wimbo wake wa "Anayekudharau siku moja atakusalimia kwa Heshima" uliionekana kuwasisimua wengi uwanjani hapo.
Solomon Mukubwa kabla ya kuimba alisema Anaheshimu kila MADHABAHU ya MUNGU iliyo katika jiji la Mwanza
Solomon Mukubwa akiimba wimbo wake wa MUNGU Mwenye Enzi

Sehemu ya Umati uliojitokeza siku ya Ufunguzi wa Mkutano

Askofu Ben Bahati akiwaongoza watu sala ya toba kama ishara ya kumpokea YESU kama Bwana na mwokozi wa maisha yao

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Flora Mbasha kulia akiwa na Mumewe Emmanuel Mbasha
Mwanamuziki wa nyimbo za injiri nchini Tanzania Flora Mbasha,amezindua studio yake ya muziki yenye vifaa vya kisasa.Studio hiyo ilioko nyumbani kwake Tabata jijini Dar-es-salaam ni moja kati ya studio chache hapa nchini yenye vyombo mahiri kwa ajili ya kurekodia.Uzinduzi huo ulihudhuliwa na watu mbalimbali mashuhuri akiwemo Mh Edward Lowasa pamoja na Kapteni John Komba

Baadhi ya vifaa vilivyomo ndani ya studio hiyo

Mgeni rasmi Mh Lowasa akitoa nasaha kabla ya kuzindua studio hiyo

Kapten Komba wa pili kushoto pamoja na Mh Lowasa 

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Mwesigwa receiving a Trophy for the Cranes
Andy Mwesigwa is the Born again Christian and Captain of National Footbal Team of Uganda famous Known as “ Uganda The Cranes” .He was born 24/4/1984 in Uganda and he is a Professional player playing for Chongqing Lifan Fc in China. During the last challenge cup held in Dar-es –salaam Mwesigwa enabled the cranes to reach semi final, though during the semi final he didn’t played due to two Yellow Cards and the Cranes loose the game by penalties 4-3 against Tanzania. 
               Lastly they became 2nd  Runnerrer .After going back to Kampala from Dar es salaam The Cranes received many gifts and one among them was crates of beer. Once Mwesigwa was requested to receive on behalf of the team, he denied and midfielder Patrick Ochan stepped in. Hosanna Inc had an opportunity to ask Mwesigwa some Questions

Mwesigwa and his family
     The following are the Questions and answers between Hosanna Inc and Mwesigwa                                                                        

Hosanna Inc: When did you receive Jesus as your Personal savior?
A.Mwesigwa : I received Jesus Christ way back when i was 12 years old since my mother     was also a born again

Hosanna Inc: What influenced you to enter into salvation?
A.Mwesigwa: She is the one who showed me the way to follow and take Jesus Christ as my savior ,she is called Catherine Racheal Namuwaya.

Hosanna Inc: When did you start playing at Premier league of Uganda?
A.Mwesigwa: I started playing in the premier league in uganda in 1999 in Busia Fc ,went to Nile Fc in 2000,went to Mbale fc from 2001 to 2002 then joined Sc Villa in 2003 up to 2006 and i went to Iceland played for Ibv Fc in the premier league of Iceland from 2006 to 2009,then to china last year played for Chongqing Lifan Fc in CHINA Premier League til this moment.

Hosanna Inc : As a born again Christian, what challenges do you face in your carrier?
A.Mwesigwa; Now the challenges i find in my career as a born again is that. i play with many players who don’t believe in Christ and we find much opposition when it comes to praying before games .

Mwesigwa Playing against Kenya
Mwesigwa in Professional Carrier


Mary Mary
“Mary Mary” the Gospel group in usa composed of two sisters Tina and Erica, the day before yesterday they released their New single from their Upcoming album of 2011 named "Something Bigger". Something Bigger is another song which has been released by them,the first  one was called “WALKING” . Hosanna Inc got the opportunity to listen all of them they are real good.

Walking,the First song to be released by Marry Marry for their New Album in 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Bishop David Oyedepo
Bishop David Oyedepo, Senior Pastor of Living Faith Church,  has attributed the problems of the African Continent to Idol worship.

The seasoned man of God lampooned political leaders for using charms and engaging in oath taking, thereby attributing the challenges facing Africa, including poverty, to idol worship.
“Political leaders in Africa are dull because they follow idols. What is a senator doing in the Senate house with charms? Idol worshipping is the challenge of African nations. That is why poverty is deep across the African continent despite the rich resources in many nations,” Oyedepo said.

The Bishop noted that Africans are subjected to suffering as a result of the worship of money which invariably leads to ritual killings in the country. However, he implored the congregation to embrace the total worship of God in order for sanity to return to the country as well as avoid a curse.
“It is worship of the god of money that has made ritual killing rampant in the nation. People do just anything to be rich. Until you return back to God fully, you will still be under the curse of idol worshipping,” said Bishop Oyedepo.

          He also criticized the godfather phenomenon in African politics, particularly in Nigeria, which he described as another form of idol worship. He said it is the major contributing factor to the political problems many African countries are facing today.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Pastor Donnie McClurkin is the singer and composer of the very Powerful song named
“I`ve got my min sing td made up”. McClurkin whose mother was a church vocalist, he is a pastor at Perfecting Faith Church in u.s.a. Read and sing the song with him

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Mwanza international community church (MICC) under Senior Pastor Zakayo Nzogelle they organised YOUTH FESTIVAL which took place at Bwiru Press Beach from 10:00am to 06:00Pm. The Festival involves all youth from different churches in Mwanza city and Students from High Learning institutions such as Bugando University, College of Business Education (CBE), and Saint Augustine Unv. Apart of games like Football, volleyball, Eating competition, athletics, and discussions, Delicious food and drinks plus Nyama choma were also coloured the festival. Together with all funny events three major Teaching sessions were done.
              1. How to Develop your carrier Presented by Dr Wambura
              2. From Nothing to somebody Presented by Mr Kassa and
              3. How to choose a right partner which officiated by Pastor Z. Nzogelle himself.

The following are the Pictures of the event
Mr Kassa toughts from "Nothing to somebody"  
Praise and Worship Session
Some of the students from Saint Augustine Univ

MICC TEAM leaded by Pastor Zakayo right with white Tshirt getting prepared before they started running to find the chance to be the winners of the day

Participants of Eating competition introducing themselves before the commencement of the tournament
Nominated youth for Dancing competition
Crew from Bugando University

Part of the audience who attended the congregation

Senior Pastor of MICC Pastor Zakayo Nzogelle with white Tshit pausing during the event 

Youth exchanging  ideas during the Event
Pastor David Fumbuka and members of Tafes-Saut
Delicious Food was given to everyone who attended
For sure it was a nice Moment,May GOD bless all the leadership of MICC for such a constructive Event                                                                  

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Hakuna mtu ambaye kristo alimuokoa ,akamtoa katika uovu aliokua nao kisha akamuingiza katika himaya  yake(Kanisani) ili afie(aozee) kanisani. Bali lengo kubwa la kristo ni kumfanya mtu huyo aongeze nguvu katika kuujenga mwili wa kristo

            Afikapo kanisani Kristo humpa Neema mtu huyo kutambua nafasi yake kiutendaji kama ni mwalimu,muimbaji,mchungaji n.k. Baada ya hatua ya kujitambua Kristo kupitia Roho Mt (Yoh14:26) ambaye ni mwalimu huanza kutufundisha namna ya kutumika katika eneo hilo kwa ustadi wa hali ya juu. Bidii ya mtu katika kujifunza chini ya Mwl Mkuu Roho Mt hutupeleka viwango mpaka viwango kiutendaji.

           Hivyo haina ubishi kuwa viwango alivyonavyo mtumishi yeyote ni matunda ya namna ambavyo alimtii au anamtii mwalimu wake mkuu ambaye ni Roho Mt. Hapa haijalishi mtu ameokoka lini kwa kuwa uaminifu na kufaulu  chini ya huyu mwalimu ndio hutuhamisha darasa hadi darasa, ndiyomaana si ajabu ukakuta mtu hatoki katika darasa alilonao miaka na miaka.

MUNGU huja na kupima kazi ya kila mtu kwa kadri alivyowekeza ndani ya mtu huyo
         Mtazamo au kiu ya Kristo baada ya kutuokoa anataka aone KAZI tuzifanyazo tuwapo katika himaya yake. Bidii maarifa na ustadi wa uchezaji wa kila mmoja alie katika mwili huu ndio hitaji lake la ndani. Kwa kua hukumu ya mtakatifu(aliyeitwa) ni juu ya kazi anazozifanya kwa ajili ya Kristo awapo chini ya jua na suala la dhambi Kristo alishamalizana nalo alipoangikwa Golgota.

        Kumbuka MUNGU ni zaidi ya Mchumi,anapowekeza hatarajii kupata hasara, kila sekunde hutaka kuona faida ya uwekezaji wake ndani yetu.Toka anatuokoa aliwekeza kwetu kwa namna kuu tatu
      a)Alitutoa katika mikono ya yule mwovu
      b)Akatuingiza katika Furaha ya pendo lake
      c) Anatufundisha kila uchao namna ya kutembea nae na namna ya kutumia hazina(vipawa) vilivyo ndani    yetu

Baada ya kuwekeza kwa gharama zote hizo yeye hukaa pembeni na kuangalia utendaji wa kila raslimali zake (watu wake) kwa kadri alivyo wekeza, ndio maana kwenye akasema 1kor 3:13-14(yeye atakuja kupima kazi ya kila mmoja). Biblia inataja kazi/matendo mema alizofanya Tabitha“Doricas” Mdo 9:36 na MUNGU alipoziangalia akarudisha uhai wake kupitia Petro. Nabii “Mikaya” yeye alisimamia kile ambacho MUNGU alisema na kamwe hakupindisha hata aliposimama mbele ya mfalme. Na hii ni mifano michache ya kazi baba zetu waliotutangulia.
Askofu Moses Kulola mfano wa kuigwa kwa namna ambavyo ametumia uwezo wa KIMUNGU ulio ndani yake kuutangaza ufalme wa MUNGU katika maisha yake yote
Ili kumpenzeza MUNGU hatuna budi kila aliye kwenye mwili wa kristo  afanye kazi katika eneo lake(mraba) kwa nguvu, kwa kua mwekezaji hupita nakuangalia faida peke yake kwa kuwa hasara haipo kwenye mikakati yake, ndomana mlegevu(asiyezaa) hutupwa nje. Ajapopita huja na kuzipima kazi zetu kwa moto. Je ya kwangu ijapopita katika moto wa kristo itatoka kama dhahabu au itateketea kama majani makavu? Hilo ni swali la kujiuliza kisha KIMBIA na kufanya kazi ya MUNGU kwa nguvu zako zote na kwa kadri ya hazina aliowekeza ndani yako.

By Victor N. Mboya                                                                

Saturday, January 15, 2011


                                     Bishop Thomas Dexter Jakes                                             
Mafundisho ya Askofu Td jakes ndio chachu kubwa iliopelekea kujulikana kwake kote duniani,naamini kama waamini wa kristo tutajifunza mengikupitia historia yake.   

Thomas Dexter Jakes alizaliwa June 9, 1957 huko South Charleston, West Virginia nchini Marekani. Baba yake Ernest Jakes alikuwa mjasiriamali na muelimishaji wa mambo mbalimbali ya kijamii. Katika ujana wake Jakes alikuwa maarufu kama kijana wa biblia(bible boy) kwenye mitaa yote ya West Virginia. Jakes hutamka ‘th’ badala ya‘s’ (lisp problem) hivyo watu wengi walimwambia hataweza kuhubiri. Baba yake alifariki kwa matatizo ya figo, muda mfupi baada ya baba yake kufariki Jakes alianza kuhubiri. Mwaka 1979 akiwa na fedha kidogo sana za kwake pamoja  na watu kumi waliomuunga mkono, walianzisha kanisa lililojulikana kamaThe Greater Emmanuel Temple of faith, huko Montgomery, West Virginia.

 Jakes alikuwa akifanya kazi ya usafi wa mitaro ya maji taka ili apate fedha za kuendeshea kanisa lake, mpaka hapo kanisa lilipoweza kusisimama lenyewe. Ndani ya miaka kumi tangu kuanzishwa, kanisa la Jakes lilikuwa na waumini wapatao1000. Mwaka 1982 Jakes aliacha kazi za usafi na kuanza kuhudumu siku nzima kwenye kanisa lake. Mpaka kufikia mwaka 1990 Jakes alikuwa ameshalihamisha kanisa lake mara mbili. Kwanza alihama kutoka Montgomery mpaka Smothers, akahama tena kutoka smothers mpaka South Charleston.

Mwaka 1993 Jakes alihamisha tena kanisa lake kwenda Cross lanes.  Mwaka 1995 akiwa na umri wa miaka 38, mahubiri yake yalianza kurushwa na vituo mbalimbali vya television nchini marekani. Mwaka mmoja baadae Jakes alianzisha Kanisa jipya lililojulikana kama Potter’s House, huko Dallas Texas, likiwa na familia zaidi ya 50 ambazo Jakes alihama nazo kutoka kanisa lake la zamani lililokuwa Cross lanes. Ndani ya miaka 12 tangu kuanzishwa, Potter’s House ilikuwa na waumini zaidi ya 30,000. 


Mwaka 1981 Jakes alifunga ndoa na Serita Ann Jamison. Wamebarikiwa kuwa na watoto watano, Jamar, Jermaine, Cora, Sara na Thomas. Kwenye Program ya mwaka 2006 inayojulikana kama The 2006 PBS Program Africa American lives, Jakes alifanyiwa vipimo vya DNA na kuonesha Chromosomes [chembechembe za vipimo vya DNA] zake ziliashiria kuwa anatokea kwenye jamii ya watu wa Igbo ambayo kwa sasa inajulikana kama Nigeria. Uhusiano wake na Nigeria unatokea kwa bibi yake mzaa baba ambaye alikuwa raia wa Nigeria.

Marriage of his  Daughter Sarah

Bishop Noel Jones kushoto, Td Jakes na mkewe Serita siku ya ndoa ya binti yao Sarah


Jakes ni muongeaji, mshawishi na muhubiri mzuri. Mahubiri yake hurushwa Marekani na Dunia nzima kupitia television na satellite. Jakes pia ni mwandishi wa vitabu na ameandika vitabu zaidi ya 30 na kumfanya aingie katika orodha ya  waandishi bora wa vitabu nchini Marekani maarufu kamaNew York times Best Writers List. Baadhi ya vitabu vilivyompatia umaarufu mkubwa ni; Can you stand to be blessed? , Naked and not Shamed, Loose that man and let him go na Positioning yourself to Prosper Jakes pia ni muandishi mzuri wa nyimbo, Muimbaji na pia Muigizaji. Anamiliki Lebo ya kurekodia muziki maarufu kama Dexterity Sounds. Pia ana kampuni ya kutungenezea filamu ambayo imejizolea umaarufu mkubwa baada ya kutengeneza filamu kama Woman Thou Art Loosed na Not Easley Broken.

Woman Thou at loosed moja ya filamu maarufu zilizotengenezwa na kampuni ya jakes na yeye Mwenyewe kushiriki katika kuigiza, hiyo ni part ambapo Jakes anakwenda kumtembelea Michell 
Jakes huandaa makongamano mbalimbali kama vile, Woman Thou Art Loosed, Manpower na God’s Leading Ladies. Kwa sasa Jakes ameyajumuisha yote na kuyapa jina moja la Megafest. Makongamano haya huudhuriwa na Maelfu ya watu kutoka sehemu mbalimbali nchini Marekani.
jarida la Time maarufu kama Time Magazine limemtaja Jakes kuwa ni miongoni mwa viongozi kumi bora wa dini nchini Marekani. Jakes ana Shahada 13 za nidhamu na Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

Potters House kanisa analoliongoza Akofu Thomas Jakes

Friday, January 14, 2011


after prayers your tongue must confess what you expects from GOD
The words of our mouth have control over our lives, whether we like it or not, or whether we believe it or not. What comes out of our mouth will determine our future. As a rudder controls the direction of a ship, your tongue controls the direction of your life. God made man to be a steward not only over the earth but over his own mouth as well. We are our own prophets. What we say today impacts our tomorrow.

You and I are where we are right now as a result of the words we spoke yesterday and the day before that and so on. That is simply the way God created us. And, like God, our words carry power. Actually, within the realm over which God gave us authority, the words we speak day after day carry the same degree of force behind them as the words God Himself speaks - even the same force as the Word that came out of God's mouth when He created the universe. Jesus said in Luke 21:33: "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away." Yes, God's Word and the words we speak "shall not return void" (Isaiah 55:11).

When reading the Gospels, you will notice that everything surrounding Jesus' entire life (His birth, ministry, death, burial, and resurrection) was a direct fulfillment of what God's prophets had spoken. God had set everything in place for the birth of Jesus. Yet, had it not been for a few men speaking under the anointing of God, it never would have happened.
"Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying..." (Matthew 1:22)

Then in Matthew 2:15 and 2:23 we see the same thing written: "that which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet". You see, just as God Himself spoke the world into existence, we as believers in Christ Jesus speak forth our future.

Many Christians will become victorious in life when they change their thinking or their thought life. Some Christians are praying and waiting for God to change what they think about, but it's up to them to change their own thinking by reading and digesting the Word of God and avoiding harmful worldly influences. Remember, we can't stop the enemy from bringing thoughts to our mind, but we can control what we dwell on. We need to choose to think God's thoughts. As Christians, we are to be thinking on what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtous, and praiseworthy.

We must not let frustration, fear, or anger rule our hearts, but rather let "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians

Just listen to what the Bible says in Mark 11:23-24:

"For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."

You see Jesus did not instruct us to talk about the mountain but rather talk to the mountain. Faith will move mountains when and only when it is released with the words of your mouth.



Thursday, January 13, 2011


Mh Charles Chinchibela wa kwanza kushoto akifuatilia uchaguzi ulivyokua ukienda
Wakati alipokua akizunguka mashuleni na kuhudumu Neno la MUNGU kwa vijana wa Ukwata alikua akisema “siku moja ntakuja kua mwanasiasa mkubwa, napenda kuja kua mbunge”. Wengi wa wanafunzi walikua wakicheka lakini yeye alimaanisha. Amehubiri na kufungua matawi ya Ukwata  mengi katika jiji hilo na alwahi kuwa mwenyekiti wa ukwata mkoa pindi alipokua akisoma Mwanza sec.

Tarehe 5/1/2011 katika ukumbi wa Halmashauri ya jiji la Mwanza Mh charles Chinchibela diwani wa kata ya Mahina kupitia chadema alichaguliwa kushika wadhifa huo na kuapishwa tare10/1/2011.Charles maarufu mashuleni kwa jina la Chinchi alimshinda mpinzani wake toka cuf.Haikua nyepesi kwa Chinchibela kufika hapo kwa kua Mwaka 2000 na 2005 aligombea udiwani wa kata hiyo lakini kura hazikutosha mpaka uchaguzi wa mwaka jana ambapo aliibuka kidedea.

MUNGU wetu hujibu mara atafutwapo kwa bidii (2Nyakat 7:14),na akijibu hujibu kwa kishindo kikuu. Cha msingi hapa kwenye safari ya kila mtu, lile ambalo MUNGU amekwambia ndani ulifanye wee lifanye kwa bidii na kwa uaminifu wote,
na katikati ya safari atatokea.Yeye alieianzisha safari yako atatokea na kuikamilisha.
Chumba cha Uchaguzi ambapo zoezi lilifanyika kwa utulivu