
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tunaishi ili kutimiza lengo la Mungu

Message from Altar

Isaya 43:1
"Lakini sasa, Bwana aliyekuhukumu, Eee Yakobo, yeye aliyekuumba, Ee Israel, asema hivi, Usiogope, maana nimekukomboa, nimekuita kwa jina lako, wewe u wangu."

Maadamu Mungu amekupa Neema ya kuishi chini ya jua ina maana amekuona unafaa, na hakuna mbadala wako ndo mana akasema katika Isaya 43:1(i) anasema NIMEKUITA KWA JINA LAKO, anamaanisha  Kile ambacho Mungu amekiweka ndani yako kwa ajili ya utukufu wake, ni cha kipekee na hakuna mwanadamu mwingine chini ya jua mwenye uwezo wa kukitekeleza kama ambavyo wewe uwezavyo kukitekeleza.

Ukishalijua hilo kiasi cha kwamba akili, nyama,damu,moyo mpaka pumzi vikameza hilo kusudi la Mungu ndani yako, viwango vya utekelezaji wa kusudi hilo huwa vya hali ya juu. Ukifanikiwa kufika katika hatua hiyo kiufahamu hupelekea kila dakika moyo, nafsi, na mwili hujipima ufanisi wa utendaji wao katika kufanikisha hilo kusudi la Mungu. Ndio hatua ipelekeayo kuamini tunakula ili tuishi na sio tunaishi ili tule. Mali, mavazi Chakula na vyote ulivyonavyo vinakua kama sehemu ya kukusapot ili kufikia lengo la Mungu ndani yako.

Tunapofikia katika viwango hivyo kiutendaji ndipo altitudes zetu katika Mungu hubadilika na kumlingana yeye, hivyo hatutoweza kujivuna kwa ajili ya Mali tulizonazo kwa kuwa sio kusudi la kwanza la Mungu ndani yetu, hatutoweza kujivunia elimu tulizonayo kwa kuwa sio kusudi la msingi kwa sisi kuwa chini ya jua, bali haya mazidisho yote ni kwa ajili ya kutuwezesha kukamilisha kwa usahihi lile kusudi la msingi ambalo Mungu ameliweka kwa kila amwitaye Baba.


Ziara ya Mchungaji Daniel Kulola nchini Uingereza yazidi kufanikiwa

Mch Daniel Kulola akihudumu katika jiji la Manchester
Mnamo Tarehe 20/06/2011 Mch Daniel Kulola na Mkewe waliondoka nchini kuelekea nchini uingereza kwa ajili ya kupeleka Neno la Mungu. Tarehe 22-24 walianza kuhudumu Neno la Mungu katika jiji la Manchester ila kwa sasa wapo katika Mji wa Lancaster ampapo wanatarajia kumaliza semina ijumaa ijayo.

Mrs Daniel Kulola
Mchungaji Kulola ameiambia Hosanna Inc kuwa baada ya kutoka Lancaster anatarajia  kuendelea na huduma kwenye mji wa Milton Keynes Tarehe 6-8/05/2011
na Tarehe 8 hiyo hiyo watakuwa na Huduma katika jiji la Coventry.Kuanzia Tarehe 10-16/05/2011 watakuwa na huduma katika jiji la Birnmingharm pamoja na London, kisha Tarehe 20-23/05/2011 watakuwa wakifanya Huduma katika mji wa Reading.

Wakristo wakimsikiliza Mch Kulola, wa kwanza kulia ni Mrs Daniel Kulola
Mchungaji kulola amezidi kuiambia Hosanna Inc kuwa kwa sasa Waingereza wamekosa uamsho wa Injili ya Kweli, kitu ambacho kinawasumbua katika mwenendo wao wa Maisha ya  Kiroho. Mungu awabariki Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kulola kwa kazi mnayoifanya

Mch Kulola akiwa na baadhi ya wakristo waliohudhuria semina, wa kwanza kulia waliosimama ni Sister Diana Madida Kihaile

Matokeo ya Swali la mwezi wa April

Hapa katika Hosanna Inc kwa mwezi wa nne wote tumekuwa na swali tukitaka kujua  “Endapo nchi itakuwa na wabunge wengi waliookoka,  Je !!! hatua hiyo inasaidia nchi kuongozwa na Mungu ?"

Matokeo ya swali hilo yanaonyesha
5%  Walisema SIO KWELI
53% Walisema NI KWELI
31% Walisema SIO LAZIMA

Kila aliyepiga kura anazo sababu zake japokuwa wapo aliodai uwepo wa namba kubwa ya wabunge waliookoka is not a guarantee kwa nchi kuongozwa na Mungu.
Matokeo hayo yanadhihirisha kuwa wakristo wengi wanaimani ili nchi iongozwe na Mungu, inahitaji  idadi ya wabunge waliookoka iongezeke ili waweze kufanya maamuzi kirahisi yenye lengo la kuujenga mwili wa kristo.

Tunatoa shukrani za dhati kwa wasomaji wote wa Blog hii kwa kupiga kura katika swali hilo.Tunatarajia kuwa na swali lingine kuanzia jumatatu.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Groove Awards 2011 kufanyika Jumapili Ijayo

Groove Awards ni tuzo kubwa za muziki wa injili nchini Kenya na Afrika Mashariki kwa ujumla. Tuzo hizo ambazo zinafanyika kwa mara ya sita sio tu zinahusisha kazi za wanamuziki wa Injili nchini humo bali hujumuisha pia kategori ya wanamuziki wa injili toka kila nchi zilizo Afrika mashariki na kati ambao nyimbo zao zinafanya vizuri nchini Kenya. Mwaka huu tuzo hizo zinatarajiwa kufanyika Tarehe 30/04/2011 kuanzia saa Saba mchana katika ukumbi wa Kenya International Conference Centre (KICC) na kuonyeshwa LIVE na Television ya NTV.

Kabla ya tuzo hizo washiriki watapata fursa ya kufaya tour katika miji ya Nakuru, Mombasa, na Machakos. Katika kategori ya waimbaji wa injili toka Tanzania wanaofanya vizuri nchini kenya  waliochagulia ni

 26a. Bahati Bukuku
 26b. Bonnie Mwaitege
 26c. Christina Shusho
 26d. Neema Mwaipopo
 26e. Rose Muhando
 26f. Upendo Nkone

Mtazamo wa waislamu dhidi ya Serikali ya Tanzania

Mh Mrisho Jakaya Kikwete
Kwa siku za hivi karibuni ndugu zetu waislamu wamekuwa wakiandaa makongamano mbalimbali nchini. Moja kati ya maazimio ya makongamano hayo ni kufanya harakati ili kutokomeza mfumo Kristo unaoitawala Tanzania kwa miaka mingi. Katika siku za hivi karibuni limefanyika kongamano la waislamu katika mji wa Morogoro baada ya lile lililofanyika katika ukumbi wa Diamond Jubelee.

 Lengo la kuyaweka maazimio ya kongamano hilo ni kuwawezesha  wakristo nao kujua nini ndugu zetu wanawaza juu ya nchi hii. Ikumbukwe wengi wa wakristo  wamekuwa na maisha ya pembe tatu yaani Nyumbani Kazini/mashuleni  -- kanisani  na kutokana na ratiba hizo pamoja na sababu nyingi wanashindwa kupata habari mbalimbali.

Baadhi ya Vipengele vilivyomo katika tamko la waislamu mkoani Morogoro lililotolewa katika msikiti mkuu wa Boma Road mjini humo ni kama ifuatavyo.

a)Kutaka liundwe Bunge la katiba tofauti na hili la sasa wanalodai lina wakristo wengi kuliko waislamu. Pia wanaitaka Serikali ilivunje baraza la mitihani nchini Tanzania (Necta) kwa madai kuwa lililopo lina wakristo wengi, hivyo kushindwa kuzingatia haki na maslahi yao.Pamoja na hayo wanaitaka serikali ipige marufuku uwepo wa mabucha ya Nguruwe kwenye maeneo yenye waislamu wengi.

b)Wameitaka serikali kurejesha kwa waislamu shule na taasisi zote za waislamu zilizotaifishwa na serikali enzi za Mwl J.k Nyerere ikiwemo shule ya Uhuru iliyoko katika mji wa Morogoro.

c)Wameunga mkono maamuzi ya Kongamano la waislamu lililofanyika jijini Dar es salaam lililopinga kwa nguvu zote jitihada za kuuzima uislamu nchini kupitia  mkutano uliofanyika siku za nyuma jijini Dr es salaam katika hoteli ya Moven Peak kati ya Maaskofu na Masheikh. Wamedai katika mkutano huo uliohudhuriwa na masheikh kadhaa, waislamu wa Tanzania hawapaswi kuunga mkono mapendekezo ya mkutano huo kwa kuwa masheikh wote walioshiriki ni Masheikh njaa wasioutakia mema uislamu na waislamu wa Tanzania.

d)Hawatakuwa tayari kuikubali katiba mpya itakayoundwa hapa nchini endapo haitokuwa na kipengele cha kuutetea uislamu na waislamu wa Tanzania kupitia vyombo muhimu kama mahakama ya kadhi pamoja na jumuiya ya waislamu OIC.

Aidha moja kati ya watoa mada katika kongmano hilo sheikh Illunga Hassan alisema  moja kati ya mambo yanayodhihirisha serikali ya Tanzania imetawaliwa na mfumo Kristo ni siku ya Ibada. Alisema serikali imeitambua siku ya jumapili na jumamosi kama siku za ibada kwa wakristo kupumzika, wakati ijumaa siku ya waislamu kuabudu haitambuliwi kama siku ya kuabudu ilihali waislamu ni wengi nchi hii kuliko wasabato ambao huabudu jumamosi.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tamasha la Pasaka 2011 lafanyika Mwanza

Mkurugenzi wa Msama Promotion Alex Msama kwa mara nyingine amefanikiwa kuwaletea wakazi wa Mwanza kile walichokuwa wakikisubiri kwa hamu. Baada ya Promotion ya takribani miezi mitatu juu ya uwepo wa tamasha la pasaka jijini Mwanza, hatimaye limefanyika kwa kishindo katika uwanja wa CCM Kirumba. 

Hili ni Tamasha la tatu kwa pasaka hii ya mwaka 2011 baada ya matamasha yaliyotangulia lile lilolofanyika siku ya pasaka tar 24/04/2011 likafuatiwa na lililofanyika mkoani Dodoma siku iliyofuata.

Umati mkubwa wa watu ulijitokeza uwanjani hapo

Abiria chunga mzigo wako,watu hawakutaka kupak magari yao nje ya uwanja

Upendo Nkone na Bonny wakiimba Upendo wa YESU wanizunguka

Solomon Mukubwa,Rose na Bonny wakimsapot Nkone stajini

Mpiga picha maarufu nchini John Bukuku alishuhudia tukio zima

Solomon Mukubwa akiwa stejini

Christina Shusho stajini

Christina Shusho na Rose Mhando wakiimpa pamoja nyimbo ya Shushu Mtetezi wangu yu Hai

Christina Shushu akiwauliza watu mnataka niimbe tena nyimbo gani?!!!!

Hosanna Inc ilipata nafasi ya kubadilishana mawazo na Mablogger maarufu nchini,wa kwanza kushoto ni Albert G Sengo wa toka blog ya gsengo, John Bukuku wa Fullshangwe na Issa Michuzi maarufu kwa jina la Michuzi JR toka blog ya jiachie

Ilikua kaazi kweli kweli hiyo jana

Anastazia Mukabwa  toka Kenya,mwanamama huyu pia anagombania Tuzo ya mwanamuziki bora wa kike nchini Kenya

Anatazia Mukabwa na Rose Mhando wakiwa stejini

Hahaa Hujaelewa tu mtumshi!!!, Oky chomoa hicho kiatu

Hongera Rose

Mukabwa na Rose wakiimba Nyimbo yao maarufu ya Kiatu Kivue uwanjani CCM Kirumba

Rose Mhando akiwa na timu yake wakiimba wimbo wa Nibebe

Rose Mhando akiongea na wakazi wa Mwanza kabla ya kuanza kuimba

View Nibebe ilivyokuwa katka uwanja wa ccm Kirumba

Pasaka ndani ya Cathedral of Joy Mwanza

Cathedral of Joy ni kanisa lililo chini ya Askofu John Komanya na linamatawi kadhaa liliwemo  tawi la Mwanza linaloongozwa na Mtumishi wa MUNGU Mama Beatrice Kimaro. Jijini Mwanza Cadhedraw of Joy Ibada zake zinafanyikia katika eneo la kisesa ndani ya Kassa Charity Schools. Jumapili ya pasaka tar 24/04/2011 kulifanyika ibada iliyojaa nguvu za Mungu ambapo Mtumishi wa Mungu Jesse Jonathan toka Dar-es-salaam akiambatana na mkewe walihudumu Neno la Mungu. Mungu ni ROHO nao wamwabuduo inawapasa kumwabudu katika ROHO na kweli.

Askofu mkuu wa Cathedral of Joy John Komanya

Praise Team ya Cadherdal of Joy Mwanza ikiimba siku siku ya pasaka

Sifa na utukufu ni kwa Mungu pekeee

Hahaaa sio kwamba anascrach cd through Tantable but ni Keyboardist akiwa kazini

Praise leader wa Cathedral of joy Mwanza madaam Esther, huyu mdada alimduwaza kila mtu kwa uwezo wake wa Kuimba na kucheza 

Mwamba Imara asiye shindwa kamwe nina Babaaa
Mama Beatrice Kimaro mchungaji wa Cathedral of Joy Mwanza

Mtumishi wa Mungu Jesse Jonathan na Mkewe, Mtumishi Jesse alifundisha somo linaloitwa THE WONDERS OF RESURRECTION

Dada Syana akimsifu Mungu

Mtumishi Jesse Jonathan na mkewe wakifanya maombezi

Cathedraw of Joy Mwanza

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Pope calls for peace in Libya

Pope Benedict XVI 
Pope Benedict XVI has called upon political leaders to use diplomacy and dialogue to bring an end to fighting in Libya in his Easter message.

Around 100,000 faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square to hear the Pope’s 'Urbi et Orbi' message to Rome and the world.

Speaking from the balcony of St Peter’s Basilica, the Pope said: “In the current conflict in Libya, may diplomacy and dialogue replace arms, and may those who suffer as a result of the conflict be given access to humanitarian aid.”

While the arrival of thousands of northern African refugees has caused difficulties for some parts of Europe, the Pope encouraged compassion, saying: “May people of good will open their hearts to them.”

The Pope went on to speak of his hope for societies in northern Africa and the Middle East, where demonstrations, revolutions and conflict have been the hallmarks of recent months.

“In all the countries of northern Africa and the Middle East, may all citizens, especially young people, work to promote the common good and to build a society where poverty is defeated and every political choice is inspired by respect for the human person,” he said.

He called upon the Ivory Coast to “tread the path of reconciliation and pardon” after months of fighting and offered his prayers for Japan as it recovers from a devastating earthquake and tsunami.

The Pope then delivered his Easter greetings and blessings in more than


John 6: 5-8

When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" 6He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.Philip answered him; "Eight months' wages would not buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!"Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, spoke up, 9"Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"

As much as we marvel at the miracle of feeding the 5000, there is one small yet significant thing that many of us miss out on. The boy. Without the boy Jesus would not have had anything to work with.
Maybe the boy left home early that morning and his mother parked for him some lunch knowing that he would probably have a long day. So here he is in the crowd amongst the people who are probably pushing and shoving because all want to see what Jesus will do. Now probably because he was a small lad he is able to weave his way through the crowd and he gets to the front.

Moja kati ya IBADA zinazofanyika katika kanisa la Calvary Temple Arusha Tanzania 

It’s probably at this time that Jesus is asking Andrew where to buy bread to feed all the people and in panic he probably snatches the boy’s lunch.
We all have an identity and it’s amazing that Andrew never bothers to find out the little lads name. All he takes note of is his lunch and he also does not see the potential in that because he says "Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?"
Have you ever felt like you were nameless without an identity because of how people treat you? Maybe all they are concerned about is what you have and they never bother to get to know the real you.
Have you felt insignificant like you cannot make a difference or that what you have to offer is of no value?

When the boy left home that morning, he had no idea that the Lord would need his little lunch to feed 5000 people. Andrew the disciple may not have noticed the lad’s potential or the potential of that which he carried and neither did he bother to find out the lads name but in the eyes of Christ the lad was very significant.
There will be times and seasons where others will not see the potential in you nor the potential in your gifting but what you have to remember is that in the eyes of God you are greatly needed in the kingdom and God will use what the world sees as insignificant to do the miraculous.

What kind of feeling do you think the lad went home with on that day? I bet he ran all the way home to announce to his mother that Jesus fed 5000 people using the little lunch he had carried that day.
No one may know your name and we may never hear of you in the media or read about you in the magazines but one thing is for sure, no matter how small you may think your lunch is, as long as you are willing to surrender it to the master, He will show the world just how significant you are.

Begin to appreciate the 5 small loaves and the 2 small fish you have in your hands because in Gods hands you can feed a multitude

By Calvary Temple 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sowers kufanya Ziara nchini Australia

The Sowers Group
Sowers group ni kundi la Muziki wa Injili lililo maarufu sana katika Afrika mashariki na kati. Sowers linaundwa na jumla ya wanamuziki watatu ambao ni Mike Matumaini, Christelle Mugeni, Oswald Basoka,pamoja na Kosto Zahindai .

Mwezi ujao tarehe 23 May 2011 litakuwa likifanya ziara  nchini Australia yenye lengo la kumtukuza Mungu kupitia nyimbo zao mbalimbali. Sowers ni moja kati ya makundi machache toka Afrika ya mashariki yaliyopata Neema ya kufanya matamasha mengi nje ya Bara la Afrika. Sowers lenye asili yake nchini Rwanda kwa sasa linafanyia shughuli zake mjini Arusha Tanzania.

Sowers wakiimba kwenye Tamasha la Saut za Busara mwaka 2010

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Obama akutana na watumishi wa Mungu white House kwa ajili ya Pasaka

President Barak Obama chairing Easter prayer breakfast

Last Tuesday morning on 19 April 2011 President Obama spoke of the “grace” demonstrated by the resurrection at the Easter prayer breakfast in the East Room of the White House.

Pastor Tim Keller of New York City’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church and Bishop T. D. Jakes of The Potter’s House in Texas also spoke at the event. The breakfast is a “good excuse to bring together people who have been such extraordinary influences in my life and such great friends,” the president said in his opening remarks. Keller’s attendance was his first visit to the White House.
Other guests also included Florida megachurch pastor Joel Hunter, Suzan Johnson Cook, the president’s recently confirmed ambassador of international religious freedom, and faith leaders from Protestant, Catholic, and other religious groups.

Bishop Td Jakes and President Obama During Easter Breakfast Prayer
The president noted recent storms that have swept North Carolina, specifically pointing out Rep. Mike McIntyre (D-N.C.) and his wife, Dee, who “will be helping those communities rebuild after the devastation.” He also singled out USAID Administrator Dr. Raj Shah for his work with faith leaders.

Obama acknowledged the “hustle and bustle” as the “inbox keeps accumulating,” to a chuckling audience. Easter puts everything into perspective, the president said. “Everybody in this room has weighty responsibilities, from leading churches and denominations, to helping to administer important government programs, to shaping our culture in various ways,” he said. “And I admit that my plate has been full as well.”
But Holy Week is a reminder of God’s grace, Obama said after reading Isaiah 53:5. “This ‘Amazing Grace’ calls me to pray,” he said. “It calls me to ask God for forgiveness for the times that I’ve not shown grace to others, those times that I’ve fallen short. It calls me to praise God for the gift of … his Son and our Savior.”
Over a breakfast of mini foods—including mini yogurt parfaits, muffins and bagels. 

The breakfast was hosted on the Tuesday before Easter in order to avoid conflict with Holy Week services, a White House official said. Joshua DuBois, the head of White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, opened the event with a short guest list and limited press coverage.

Bishop Noel Jones attended last year  Easter Prayers Breakfast
The president said that he plans to make the event, now in its second year, “annual” from now on. “The Easter Egg Roll, that’s well established,” he said, drawing laughter from the crowd. Last year, Willow Creek pastor Bill Hybels and Lakewood Church pastor Joel Osteen attended the breakfast

Kanisa lafanyia IBADA kwenye Nightclub

Phase II Night club ni ukumbi maarufu wa disko ulio katika jiji la Kensas nchini Marekani ambapo watu mbalimbali hukutana kwa ajili ya kustarehe katika siku za ijumaa na jumamosi usiku.Kwa hali ya kawaida huwezi amini kuwa panaweza kutumika kama kanisa ambapo watu huja na kumsifu Mungu. Tofauti na ilivyozoeleka ukumbi hutumika kama  mahali pakufanyia ibada kuanzia saa kila jumapili saa Tano asubuhi mpaka saa saba na nusu mchana.

Mchungaji Marvin Kirkwood
Mchungaji Marvin Kirkwood  ni mchungaji ambaye hufanyia ibada zake katika ukumbi huo. Mch Kirkwood amekuwa mshirika wa kanisa la Memorial Baptist Church lililo katika jiji la Kensas kwa Takribani miaka 15 akitumika kanisani hapo kama Mchungaji wa Vijana kwa kipindi cha miaka nane(8) na sasa anatumikia wito wake kwa Bwana chini ya huduma yake iitwayo Contagious Revival Church of Kansas City.

Akijibu swali kwanini ameamua kutumia Nightclub kama kanisa, Mch Kirkwood alisema ameamua kufanya hivyo kwa kuwa anataka kuwafikia watu ambao injili kwao ni nadra kuwakuta kwa namna ya kawaida na lengo lake sio kuwapelekea dini ya ukristo bali kuwafikishia habari njema za Kristo zilizojaa upendo wa Mungu. Amesema yeye sio Mchungaji wa kawaida kama walifanyavyo wengine wahubirio maneno yaliyopangiliwa ili kuhadaa watu.

Mch Kirkwood  anaendesha ibada kama kawaida ikiwa ni pamoja na kuhubiri Neno la Mungu, kwaya, na vikundi vya kusifu na kuabudu

Angalia kwa makini clip ifuatayo na umsikilize Mch Kirkwood kuhusu huduma yake.

Amazing Passover

Exodus 12:1-13
"The Feast of the Passover"


We all know about rehearsals. We have rehearsals for weddings. The bride and groom practice walking down the aisle, they practice their vows, they practice their kiss, they practice walking out without stumbling down the steps.

Special music people have rehearsals when they run through their pieces.

I rehearse my sermons a couple of times before the congregation hears them. I did a rehearsal for my first celebration of the Lord's Supper as a pastor; I ran through the entire service just so I knew what was coming and what to do. I even did a rehearsal for my first baptism.

I need to tell you that the Feasts are only rehearsals. They are not the real thing. Using the phrase of Paul in Colossians, they are only shadows with the reality being found in Christ  

 I.The Passover at the Time of Jesus

In most of the history of the Old Testament the Israelites observed the Passover in one form or another. By the time you get to the New Testament and to the days of Jesus the Passover was still celebrated but had also developed certain practices.

By the time Jesus was walking the earth, the Jews did not smear blood on the doors anymore. That had gone away.

They did sacrifice a lamb. But not necessarily in the same way. Now it was more of a national festival. So the priests would gather at the Temple and the high priest would slay one lamb on behalf of the whole nation. Those Jews who could make it to Jerusalem also slaughtered a lamb.

And, they didn't necessarily do it in family gatherings as was done in the past; rather, they did it in a grouping of 10-20 people; you needed at least 10 and could have no more than 20. The reason was that you had to eat the entire lamb and could not have any leftovers like we have after Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners. This meant that Jesus and His 12 disciples constituted a family unit; they qualified to have a lamb for His last supper.

In connection with this, very often at the time of Jesus there was also another practice – the "crowned sacrifice." The lamb was to be killed in a certain way. His throat was to be cut and the blood was to be collected in a bowl. And then he was gutted, the intestines taken out. He was roasted vertically on a pomegranate stick. And the intestines were draped around the head while the roasting process was being done. That is called a "crowned sacrifice." This way every part of the lamb was consumed. Because as you read with me in our Bible reading, every bit was to be eaten or burned – the intestines, the fat, everything (Ex 12:10).

They still used bitter herbs and unleavened bread.

They also drank four cups of wine during the Passover meal. The first was called the "cup of blessing," the second was called the "cup of wrath," the third was called the "cup of redemption," and the fourth was called the "cup of the kingdom" – this fourth cup is the one Jesus said He would not drink until He came again in the power of His kingdom ( Lk 22:18)

II. The Passover and Us

A I want you to be clear about this: the Passover reminded Israel, and on this Good Friday it reminds us, that deliverance is costly. It costs blood. Look at the price Israel had to pay – the blood of its lambs. Look at the price God had to pay – the blood of His only begotten Son. Israel saw all this blood – an unbelievable amount of blood. Blood everywhere. Flowing on the ground into the trench and the collection pot and then smeared over the door and on the sides of the door. Even at the time of Jesus the blood was visibly gathered in front of the people. The throat cut, the blood collected, the hyssop dipped.

To be saved and delivered and rescued is a costly undertaking.

B Second, the Passover reminded Israel, and on this Good Friday it reminds us, that we have been saved and delivered and rescued. You need to realize and recognize there has been deliverance from bondage. In recognition of this, Israel had to eat and taste the bitter herbs.

C Third, the Passover reminded Israel, and on this Good Friday it reminds us, that the blood of the Lamb covers us from God's searching judgment. Egypt was not covered and lost its firstborn. What a sad night in all the Egyptian households! But Israel was covered. The Angel of death and wrath, the Angel of God's holy judgment, did not strike any home covered with the blood of the lamb. The blood of the Lamb, the Lamb of God, also covers us so that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:1). There is power, power, wonder-working power in the precious blood of the Lamb.

Congregation, the Passover Lamb has been slain. He was brought out four days early so He could be tested and found to be without defect. He was staked out that morning at 9 o'clock. He was killed at 3o'clock in the afternoon. By His providence, God arranged history so carefully.

Jesus is the reality the shadows, the rehearsals, prophesied. He is the Lamb which all the earlier Passover lambs looked forward to. It cost Him His blood and His life but we are set free from bondage and we are covered from God's holy wrath.

By: Rev. Adrian Dieleman

Monday, April 18, 2011

Uche Chukwu Agu mwibaji wa nyimbo maarufu barani afrika iitwayo My GOD is good (Double Double)

Live Performance ya My GOD is Good kati ya Uche Agu na Kundi la Joyous Celebration
Uche Agu ni Mwanamuziki wa nyimbo za injili na raia wa Nigeria anyeishi nchini Afrika ya kusini, moja kati ya mafanikio yake ni kunyakua tuzo ya mwanamuziki bora wa nyimbo za injili barani afrika. Hivi sasa nyimbo yake ya My GOD is good oohh ambayo wengine huiita Double Double aliyoifanya na kundi maarufu la injili nchini afrika ya kusini liitwwalo JOYOUS CELEBRATION imesambaa Afrika nzima na imekuwa gumzo hali iliyomfanya kuwa maarufu kwa muda mfupi.

Uche anastashahada ya Theologia kutoka World Harvest Theological College na huongoza sifa na kuabudu katika huduma iitwayo Halleluya Ministry International yenye makazi yake nchini Afrika ya kusini katika jiji la Johanesbag. Tarehe 7 mwezi wa tatu mwaka huu alialikwa nchini Ghana katika tamasha kubwa la kipekee lililoiywa Independence Praize 2011

Vocalist Uchechwuku Agu

Uche akiwa ameshika tuzo mbili alizopewa na Africa Gospel Music Awards, moja kati ya tuzo hizo ni ile ya Mwanamuziki Bora wa muziki wa injili barani Afrika
Mwenyewe anaamini kuwa nyimbo zake zinaleta uhamsho na nguvu mpya kwa vijana na hivyo  kutengeneza kizazi kipya chenye hofu ya kumwabudu Mungu. Mwaka huu Katika tuzo za Muziki za nchini afrika ya kusini zijulikanazo kama  South Afrika Music Awards (sama), Uche amechaguliwa kugombea kategori ya Best African Contemporary Gospel Album. Tuzo hizo zinatarajiwa kufanyika nchini humo kati ya tarehe 20 au 21 mwezi ujao, miongoni mwa wanamuziki wa Injili wanaowania tuzo katika kategiri hiyo ni

Best African Contemporary Gospel Album                      
Benjamin Dube – Worship In His Presence
Group – Spirit Of Praise Vol 3
Mthunzi Namba – Mercy Live In Durban
Uche – Live At Lyric Theatre
Worship House – Worship House Project 7 - It Is Well With My Soul

Moja kati ya matangazo ya Matamasha ya Uche

Ifuatayo ni kazi nyingine ya Uche iitwayo Solid Rock

Everything is Double Double by Atta Boafo

Atta Boafo ni kijana wa kighana kutoka katika jimbo la Kumasi ambaye amekuja na nyimbo hiyo ya Double Double toka kwa Uche ila kwa staili yake mwenyewe. Kitanzania Tanzania tunaweza iita Remix, Boafo amesomea muziki kwa kipindi kirefu na nyimbo yake hiyo imesambaa sehemu nyingi pia barani afrika. Unaweza kuiona  Everything is Double Double by Atta Boafo kwa kuclick hii video hapo chini